Tuesday 30 March 2010

IOA box wagon in production!!!

hi again here is my new pics of the IOA wagon I'm creating for trainz it's very simular to the MLA wagon as you can tell but just alot taller and a little smaller in length.
I have got 2 pics of the front and back of the wagon. The detail is coming on good, well there isn't much to create really on this wagon as it is just a box lol. Well anyways here are the pics of what I have created so far hope you like them.

Also I have some images of the real wagon as well here are the links to them.


  1. This wagon's looking good mate, looking good: the colours are very fancy.

    What's going to go inside???

  2. thanks mate :D
    it will mostly be gravel and sand that will go in this wagon I'll be creating a load animation file for this wagon with some help off Tom Young he said it will be easier to create and box wagon and then do load animation for the 1st step and then do the other difficult ones after

  3. great wagons ian keep up the good work you are doing a great job
