Sunday 20 November 2011

KSA cube wagon

Hi everyone I am now currently creating a new model that carries car parts KSA cube wagon.
This wagon will be in 2 liveries DRS and EWS, as you can see I have nearlly completed this model as it was alot easier to build than the hoppers have been.
This model will contain an animation feature like the other have, the animation on this wagon features the covers to open and close when they reach the industry for loading and unloading.
Anyways here are my pics from G-Max of it so far with the wagon closed and open, hope you like them.


  1. Nice. Looking good there pal. The first image certainly shows a lot of details, as does the other.

    Keep it up!

  2. Chears Pal glad you like them I'll be uploading some new images of the liveries when they are done :D

  3. Great work Ian, keep it up, this is amazing art work, the mono lisa doesn't compare to your masterpiece.
