Wednesday 21 October 2009

welcome to my trainz blog!!!

this is my 1st blog im very new to it
my blog is going to be about the trainz railway sim as i love to create new content for the game by using Gmax
i hope you will like the content that i am creating for my trainz game and if you have the same hobby i hope you will share ideas with me and drop by now and then and leave a comment
would also love you to leave a link to your blog if you have one too or add yourself to the follow me on this blog

i will be uploading pics of my content and also future projects that i will be working on

hope you will all like then as i've worked really hard of creating them
special thanks to Auran forum for all the help they gave me on creating the wagons like Leefer (mike) and LTSV (Tom Young) and many others I couldn't of done it without them.

All the best Ian